UNSEEN ECHOES: Objects of Domestic Abuse

We value the anonymity of the individuals who have chosen to share their stories with us. Without this anonymity, many would not come forward, and their stories might never be heard. To ensure this, we have rewritten their accounts to remove any details that could identify them, such as names, places, and other personal information.


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unseen echoes - objects of domestic abuse

Unseen Echoes: Work in Progress

In the quiet parts of homes, behind closed doors, and with the things we see every day, there is a story not many people talk about—a story of domestic abuse. Our project, Unseen Echoes, is all about bringing this story to light. We’re using photos to show what domestic abuse really looks like.

Shining a Light

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone, no matter how old they are, where they come from, or how much money they have. It can be hitting, saying mean things, controlling money, or making someone do things they don’t want to do. But there is more to it than just the things we can see—it’s also about how it feels inside, which can be harder to see.

Showing the Truth

We’re taking pictures of everyday things to tell the story of domestic abuse. A broken mirror might show how someone’s sense of self is shattered. A locked door might mean someone feels trapped. Each photo tells a story of how abuse affects people and their families.

Helping People Speak Up

Our project wants to help people who have been through abuse. If you’ve been hurt by someone you know, you can share your story with us. It’s okay if you’re scared—we’ll keep everything you say private, and we’ll be kind.

How You Can Help

You can be a part of our project in different ways:

  • Share Your Story: If you’ve been affected by domestic abuse and would like to share your story please tells us. Unless you say otherwise we will make the story anonymous.
  • Tell Others: Let people know about our project and why it’s important. The more people know, the more we can help.
  • Support Survivors: Be there for people who’ve been through abuse. Even small acts of kindness can make a big difference.
  • Work Together: If you’re part of an organisation and want to help us, let’s team up. Your support can help us reach more people and make our project even better.

Join Us in Making a Change

Together, we can make a difference. Let’s shine a light on the hidden stories of domestic abuse and make the world a safer, kinder place for everyone.

If you want to share your story, help out, or work with us, just let us know. We’re here to listen and make things better.

[Form to Get Involved]


Hertfordshire Actor Photography
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We’re sorry to interrupt, but your interest in our work means a lot. With a small donation, you can help us empower individuals and share their stories through photography. Every contribution makes a difference. If you believe in the power of storytelling to create change, please consider supporting us today. Thank you!

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