Finding My Vision: Lee’s Journey Through Photography

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Being part of the Emmaus Journey project was really good for me. Before this, I didn’t think much about taking pictures. I only ever used a cheap camera or my phone to take snaps, nothing serious. But then I got the chance to use a proper camera and learn how to take real photos. It changed how I see things around me.

At first, I was a bit scared and unsure because I didn’t know what I was doing. But with some help and practice, I started to get better. Every week, I learned something new—not just about photography, but also about paying attention to what’s around me. I started to notice small details that I never saw before, like the way light falls on things or how different colours stand out. It made me appreciate the simple things in life that I used to overlook.

What I liked most was that I wasn’t just taking photos; I was part of the whole project. I got to choose which photos would go in the book, write down my thoughts about them, and even help decide how everything would be shown in the end. It felt really good to be part of something important and to have a say in how it all came together. The project gave me a way to share my story, which I didn’t think I could do before.

Seeing the finished book with my photos in it was an amazing feeling. And knowing that my work was part of an exhibition that traveled around—and that even the Duke of Gloucester saw it—made me feel really proud. This project wasn’t just about learning a new skill; it was about seeing myself in a new way. It gave me confidence, hope, and something to look forward to in the future. It showed me that I can do more than I thought I could, and that I have something valuable to share with others.


Hertfordshire Actor Photography
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