Awarded Craftsman Status by The Guild of Photographers

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I am incredibly honoured and humbled to have been awarded Craftsman status by The Guild of Photographers for the BREAKING THE STEREOTYPE project. This prestigious recognition is not just a personal milestone in my career, but also a profound acknowledgment of the project’s significance and the impact it has had in challenging perceptions of homelessness.

Craftsman status is one of the highest accolades The Guild of Photographers bestows, reserved for photographers who demonstrate exceptional skill, creativity, and dedication to their craft. To have my work recognised in this way is deeply meaningful, especially for a project that is so close to my heart. The BREAKING THE STEREOTYPE project is rooted in my own experience with homelessness—a period of my life that shaped who I am today and drives my passion for using photography as a tool for social change.

The project was born out of a desire to challenge the narrow and often damaging stereotypes that many people hold about the homeless. Too often, homelessness is reduced to a one-dimensional narrative, where individuals are seen as nothing more than their circumstances—overlooked, judged, and dehumanised. Through this project, I sought to peel back those layers of misconception and reveal the humanity behind each face, the stories that are rarely told, and the struggles that are hidden from view.

The journey to create this project was both challenging and transformative. Over five weeks, I returned to the streets of High Wycombe, where I once experienced homelessness myself. It was an emotional and, at times, overwhelming process. Revisiting the places where I had once slept rough, and reconnecting with people I knew from those days who were still homeless, brought back a flood of memories and emotions. But it also reinforced my determination to tell these stories—stories that are too often ignored or misunderstood.

The process of capturing these images was about much more than technical photography skills. It required empathy, patience, and the ability to connect with people on a deep, human level. Each interaction was brief—just a few minutes to explain the project, build trust, and capture their photograph—but those moments were filled with raw emotion and honesty. The images that resulted from these encounters are not just pictures; they are powerful narratives that challenge the viewer to see beyond the surface, to question their assumptions, and to understand the complexities of homelessness.

Receiving Craftsman status for this project is a profound validation of the work and the message it carries. It is a recognition that goes beyond the technical excellence of the photographs; it acknowledges the importance of the stories they tell and the social impact they have. This award from The Guild of Photographers is a testament to the power of photography as a medium for change, and it reinforces my belief in the role of the artist as a storyteller and advocate.

This recognition also serves as a reminder of the responsibility that comes with my craft. As a photographer, I have the privilege of capturing moments, stories, and lives. With that privilege comes the duty to use my work to make a positive difference in the world. The BREAKING THE STEREOTYPE project has been a journey of personal growth, reflection, and a deepening commitment to using photography to shed light on important social issues.

I am deeply grateful to The Guild of Photographers for this honour and for recognising the value of this project. It is not just a personal accolade; it is a tribute to the individuals who trusted me with their stories, who allowed me to share a part of their lives with the world. Their courage and openness are what made this project possible, and this award belongs to them as much as it does to me.

Moving forward, this achievement motivates me to continue pushing the boundaries of my craft. It inspires me to keep telling the stories that need to be told, to use photography as a voice for the voiceless, and to challenge the perceptions that limit our understanding of one another. The recognition from The Guild of Photographers strengthens my resolve to use my art as a force for good, to create work that not only captures the world as it is but also imagines how it could be.


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